Businesses of all types need reliable waste management and disposal solutions to keep their company clean and safe. Whether an industrial manufacturing facility, a shopping mall, or other type of commercial company, businesses must effectively manage their trash with cost-efficient solutions that keep their employees and the public safe.
Self-contained trash compactors help companies to maintain a clean and safe environment with cost-effective waste solutions for companies in all industries.
Clean and Safe Waste Disposal with Self-Contained Compactors
One of the most widely used methods for waste disposal in business are self-contained trash compactors which provide many benefits.
Handle Liquid Waste
Businesses that utilize self-contained trash compactors do not have to worry about liquid waste causing foul odors or an unsightly mess. Self-contained compactors are fully sealed and designed to handle wet waste without leaking and causing odor or leaving stains on loading docks.
Hauled Off Site for Dumping
Self contained compactors provide the next level of sanitation over stationary models that are just dumped and left on the company site. Self contained units are permanently attached and hauled off to be dumped when it gets full.

Less Trips cost Less
Self contained compactors hold more than stationary dumpsters and compact the trash with hydraulics, which allows for longer wait times in between waste hauler dumps. This saves the company a considerable amount of money as most waste haulers charge per the number of trips needed to dump the waste.
There is no chance of scavengers or anyone going through your trash with a self contained trash compactor unit. They are securely situated for quick and easy disposal with no public access.
Self contained compactors are good for business for many types of companies and provide flexible and cost efficient waste management solutions.
Protect Your Trash Compactor Investment
All companies carry property insurance to protect their investment, a self contained trash compactor is an asset to a company and can be protected against damage. Compactors provide reliable and durable waste management, and for the most part, require little maintenance. There are times, however, as with any hydraulic piece of equipment, that it may require maintenance and/or repairs.
One of the most common causes of damage to a commercial compactor happens when the waste hauler attempts to drive off to dump it, and forgets to disconnect the hydraulic lines. When this happens, the hydraulic hoses will break apart and hydraulic fluid will spill out uncontrollably, which is a serious safety hazard.
When the driver drives off the hydraulic hoses still connected, it can also damage the entire hydraulic power unit and electrical connections. It has even happened where the power unit gets dragged behind the truck with the driver completely unaware that a deadly projectile is lugging behind them.
Stucchi offers a solution with the Compactor Break Away Safety System, C-BASS. C-BASS provides insurance that mitigates risk against damage by providing a safe breakaway that eliminates fluid leaks in the case of accidental disconnection. C-BASS protection for self-contained compactors keeps your company clean and safe and prevents oil spills on your dock due to faulty disconnection, which protects your employees and the public.
Stucchi is an industry-leading provider of hydraulic solutions to many markets and applications. We offer more than six years of experience and a team of hydraulic specialists dedicated to providing custom solutions that improve your hydraulic equipment and overall business operations. Contact us to speak with a specialist about Stucchi’s C-BASS solution.